Structure Conversion Warning

Bedrock Edition structure files are able to store different amounts of data than other types of files which we can convert to. This means that some data will likely be lost when converting to a format that will store less types of data than a .mcstructure file.


The structure converter, in this case, is turning your structure into a series of Bedrock Edition commands that will produce more or less the same result.
This means anything that is not possible with commands cannot work in the structure file.

The following data will be lost:

NBT Files

These files are saved as big-endian Java Edition structure files that can be loaded into the latest verison of Minecraft: Java Edition.
As this is demonstrative, experimental software, most things will not be properly converted.

Currently, only the structure's blocks are converted to the Java edition format. Stay tuned for potential future updates to items, entities and tile entity data! 1.20+ features are not supported in this converter.